What is Montessori?

The term “Montessori” implies both philosophy and a method of education philosophy based on the research of Dr. Maria Montessori – an Italian physician and educator.

Multi-aged classrooms provide benefits that are readily apparent when visiting the classroom. Younger children in the classroom have an opportunity to observe and imitate the older students as they work. Older students have an opportunity to reinforce their own knowledge by explaining what they are doing and assisting and mentoring younger children. Children work in groups and individually to discover and explore knowledge of the world and to develop their maximum potential. Each child can learn and develop at his own pace within a classroom that accommodates many levels of ability and complexity.  

Montessori believed that children develop in three year cycles. The first year they are introduced to new concepts and skills, during the second year they practice and refine these concepts and skills and during the third year they consolidate their learning, reflect on what they have learned and demonstrate mastery of the concepts by teaching younger students. Every material in a Montessori classroom supports an aspect of child development.

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